UTMB: go for it !
Update 19/12: registrations
for the UTMB are now closed ! 2000 runners in 20 days... You can
still register for the CCC
This morning, the number of runners registered for the
Ultra-Trail Tour du
Mont-Blanc reached 1820 out of a maximum limit of 2000. The
event takes place in 8 months ! So if you intend to enter this
amazing race, you have to do it
very quickly. The
Courmayeur-Champex-Chamonix (86km +4500m) recorded "only" 286
registrations so far (out of 1000). The UTMB is worth trying for
many reasons: explore your ultimate physical and psychological
limits of course, but also enjoy a human, friendly adventure around
Europe's highest peak. Think about it !
By the way, I've been rejected at the London marathon ballot, but I
don't really mind. I'm gonna do a 50km OFF (free ultra run) in the
Lake District instead