Fri 06 May 2005 - 15:11

1st result on space carving

I've started to implement a "shape by space carving" algorithm. Nothing new for the moment, I'm just "playing" to see roughly what can be done. This algorithm takes a couple of camera images of a 3D object as input. The basic principle is to start with a cube and to carve every voxel that is not consistent with the set of images. This should converge to the "best" 3D modeling of the object regarding to the amount of information given by the set of images.
The application is still fully bugged, but I can't resist to show a first screen shot ! This modeling has been done with only 4 synthetic images as input, carving in a bloc of approx. 3,500,000 voxels


Posted by Julien | Permalink | Categories: Research (my PhD)