Thu 10 March 2005 - 11:08

Housemate conversation record broken !

Yeah, I've done it ! Former record was 2 words, with "Mornin' - Mornin'". It's now 7 words ! Amazing, isn't it ? The transcript shows you the intensity of the action:

Julien: Good evening
Housemate: Hi !
I opened the door for her.
Housemate: Thank you ! (French accent maybe detected)
Julien: Your' welcome.

Yes I know, some of you will tell me that 'your' is actually 'you are' in proper English. And therefore should count for 2. But this is supposed to be a happy occasion! Let's not bicker and argue over who killed who!

Posted by Julien | Permalink | Categories: Everyday life, Funny stuff